Home / News / I'm wearing the next version of The Writer's Glove right now
I'm wearing the next version of The Writer's Glove right now

I'm wearing the next version of The Writer's Glove right now

* A note from Ben


During the "Ask Me Anything" earlier this year, I mentioned that the third version of The Writer's Glove (aka "V3") is in development. Feedback from customers would be the guiding light.

Good news! The prototype is here.

I can't share it yet, but I can say I'm wearing the V3 as I write this. And?


These are awesome.

I'm not just saying that, either. These are better than I expected. Way better.

When they're ready, I'll introduce these updated gloves to the world. In the meantime, the only hint I can give is this image:

New version of thin warm typing gloves


Any guesses what that means? You'll find out when the next version releases this year.

Well, it should release this year. I don't want to tempt fate by guaranteeing anything.

All the same, the prototype is here. That's a big step forward!


1 comment

Jun 20, 2024 • Posted by Tehan

Around when will the new version be released? A ballpark is fine, if at all possible?

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