Home / News / "Writing and Wellness" Features The Writer’s Glove

"Writing and Wellness" Features The Writer’s Glove

Writing and Wellness, a site dedicated to health issues for writers (all that sitting and stressing can add up), recently featured my guest post, Introducing a New Tool to Warm Up Writers’ Hands.

It was a pleasure to tell the story of how these gloves came about. Being a writer means being an entrepreneur as well as an artist, and that means telling stories in different ways. One of them could be the story of how you write. It’s all about putting yourself out there, and it doesn’t come in any single form.

Check out the article here. Special thanks to Colleen at Writing and Wellness for accepting my piece. Be sure to read the other great articles on the site, too. If you define yourself by your writing, you deserve to be in the know about your health, too.


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