The Raynaud's Association Reviews Version 3 of The Writer's Glove
I recently sent a pair of the latest and greatest version of The Writer's Glove--Version 3-- to The Raynaud's Association for a review. Lots of places ask for pairs for review, and most of them try it, write it up, and forget all about it. Not The Raynaud's Association.
The Association was there right from the beginning. The staff reviewed Version 1 of The Writer's Glove (that's the one made from silk). Association members were some of the first to provide feedback on the gloves, too. I took it all to heart, which is why I wanted to get a Version 3 pair out. What would the Association think of the improvements?
The Raynaud's Association recently posted its updated review here. An excerpt:
The original version offered great dexterity, but we were totally blown away by the newly designed ones! The instant my hands and fingers were inside the gloves it felt like I’d covered them with a second skin. The new gloves mold to the shape of your hands and you feel like they really become a part of you, I don’t know any other way to describe it, as I’ve never experienced this effect in another glove.
I could sit and type on my laptop or phone immediately with no adjustment period as required on the earlier version of the gloves, they are so lightweight and stretchy, you’re just not conscious of wearing anything at all on your hands.
Also, if you experience Raynaud's, have a look at becoming a member of The Raynaud's Association. The non-profit offers information, tips, and advocacy.