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Coming Soon: New and Improved Versions of The Writer's Glove

Coming Soon: New and Improved Versions of The Writer's Glove

Welcome (Again)

What do you think of the new digs? This is quite an improvement over the previous incarnation of thewritersglove.com, which for better or worse is forever archived on the Internet somewhere. Maybe I'll hang a printout on the wall some day.

The new website should clue you into what's been happening here. The Writer's Glove grew by leaps and bounds since it was first introduced last year, and can count 25 countries around the world as homes to its customers. By the end of 2016, it was clear that what started as a literal basement/garage project needed an upstairs treatment.

That meant finding new suppliers, formalizing the business and coming up with a plan that didn't leave customers waiting for stock to arrive. I'm happy to say all of that came true in 2017. Later this summer, I can reveal the results. I couldn't be more excited.


That's good news for anyone with cold, stiff fingers while they type (or attempt to type) on a computer keyboard. The new and improved editions of The Writer's Glove take into account the feedback customers gave me on the original edition.

  • Higher quality materials means warmer gloves for cold hands and fingers.
  • More durable construction means far fewer runs, tears and holes. Your writing gloves will last longer.
  • Smarter design makes for a more comfortable fit, from wrist to fingertip.
  • Still made with natural, hypoallergenic, 100 percent silk. There's a reason it's been used for thousands of years.

Two Editions to Choose From

Also new are the two different editions of The Writer's Glove, a change from the single version found in the original incarnation.

  • Standard Edition: A warm glove for writing on keyboards with cold hands and fingers.
  • Deluxe Edition: Those same warm gloves, plus touchscreen-compatible index fingertips and a light grip in the palms/fingers for holding items securely.

These two editions allow you to choose exactly the glove you need. If you only care about typing on computer keyboards, go with the Standard Edition and save a few bucks. If you want all the bells and whistles, the Deluxe Edition is the better bet.

Coming Late Summer 2017 - Be the First to Know

These two new editions will make their debut in late summer 2017. You can receive a notice when they arrive by submitting your e-mail address here.

I hope you're as excited as I am about this new chapter. Stay tuned!






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